Thursday, April 29, 2010


it just makes me a little sick to my stomach. Yes, I'm a huge fan of Ellen Degeneres. I absolutely love watching her show. And this isn't to bash Ellen or any other celeb out there, really it's not. But today I was watching her show and some lady won a trip around the world with four friends, plus pocket money-all adding up to a total value $40, 000. Did you read that (not that I have any followers or anything)? Forty THOUSAND dollars. And that is what gives me that sickish feeling. I completely understand that you can't exactly just walk around the streets or go find people in poverty and hand over a bunch of money. But there has to be something better to give $40, 000 to than some girl who probably is stable with a comfortable life. Yet at the same's not just about the money. There are so many more valuable things than money. Time. Love. Care. I saw a picture on another blog today of a homeless man that said "I don't want your money, I want change". How do we do that? How do we make those changes? How do I make changes? It starts with me.

"Let my life shine, come and let my heart shine. We're gonna walk the world, lift the bread and wine. Like the stars shine, come and let our hearts shine. In a dark world, we lift the bread and wine."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Just laughing at my last post. And I thought day 3 was the worst. In the words of Ali Rollins, wrong wrong wrong. Very wrong, might I add. Last week was rough. Doing better this week though. I had a loooverly time back home in Naperville for the weekend. I am incredibly blessed with so many people I love that just so happen to love me back:) Speaking of which, Mama Trac just told me she is coming this weekend for the track meet/cookout and just to see me. Love that lady. Well I'm off to researching yoga for expos, taking a shower, and most likely going to sleep early yet again. Break a leg tonight Britt. Just kidding, don't break a leg. But for reaallll rock the mic, lubya.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Surgery Smurgery

Day 3. The worst. Don't think I will be doing much moving around at all today. So much for my planned bath attempt. My knees are still missing. Overall though, I really am doing well. Such a blessing. Got some tips from Alyssa on stuff to help with pain/swelling. Almost finished with another book. Currently Annie is about to finish "Plain Truth", can't wait until she is done so we can talk about it. I'm waiting for her to freak out in the last two pages since the ending is ridiculous. Sooo very glad she, Mama Trac, and Headow were able to come this week. The vicodin is making my head feel weird...I don't have enough brain power right now to write anymore.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yep. I've got it. Withdrawal. Not drugs or any harmful substances, no worries. But I have TUTFPCBSB2K10 withdrawal. Translation: Taylor University Track and Field Panama City Beach Spring Break 2010. Over Spring Break I got to spend a week and a half with the track team. We lived together, slept together, drove together, ate together...did everything together. Saturday night through Friday morning, we stayed at the Laguna Beach Christian retreat center in Florida. I was given the opportunity to build relationships with teammates I already knew, and to start relationships with teammates I wasn't yet familiar with. I loved every minute of it. From waking up early for breakfast, small groups, team devotionals and worship, laying out by the beach, pool work outs, and watching 'corn hole' late night games of mafia, sunsets on the beach, 13 hour bus rides, and of course the team talent show. It feels weird now to be back at school and not constantly surrounded by TUTF. I am so blessed to go to a school where I can run track. And so blessed to be on a team that cares about each other and aims to live a life that revolves around Christ. I am excited to see what God has in store for my next three years at Taylor and on the TUTF team.

1Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.One of many trips on the beloved Rainbow Bus, also known as Possum 8 or Possum Great. This is me Kels aka Keebs (new found love on this trip, she is great and absolutely hilarious), and Ashley. Plus Corbin being a creep in the background.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why Not?

I made a blog for my computers in an educational setting class...and it was actually kind of fun. Then Britt got a blog, and I figure I might as well. Plus I love reading Pioneer Woman. So now I can read about the lives of hilarious people and when I'm in the mood I can blog about my own life. And sometimes I like to think I am hilarious.

Current life status: I get to see one of my best friends, my mom, and my sister tomorrow. Annie, Mama Trac, and little Heather. Reason: I am incredibly blessed and they love me so much they're driving all the way to the middle of nowhere Indiana to see me. Oh also, I am getting surgery so they're going to take care of me. But that's just a sidenote. Actually, that's a lie. It's the main story. After Thursday, goodbye compartment surgery. Leg muscles, you will now have room to party. Meaning you're not allowed to hurt anymore.

Also, it smells, feels, looks, sounds, and probably tastes (haven't checked) like summer outside. Which is why I haven't done anything productive today. That's my excuse anyway.